For the love of macaroons, for the respect of the planet
Ct Franck Deville, every macaron we create reflects our commitment to excellence, sustainability and social responsibility. These principles are not only at the heart of our production process, but also illustrate the core values of our brand
Commitment to quality and naturalness
At a time when "eating well" is very much linked to "eating well", the search for natural, tasty ingredients is our priority.
We meticulously select our ingredients, always favoring the highest quality. Our sugars, sourced exclusively from French producers, and egg whites from responsible French farms, form the basis of our authentic recipes. In our quest for naturalness, we have replaced artificial colorants with natural alternatives such as cocoa powder, spirulina, curcumin and red fruit extracts. Our allergen reduction initiative and flavour enhancer-free policy guarantee pure, healthy products.
Our fruit macaroons, whose filling is made from over 50% fruit, have a reduced sugar content. They contain no gelatine or pectin, and embody our commitment to clean label with a reduced list of ingredients. They are also lactose-free.
Most of our products are gluten-free, with the exception of gingerbread, speculoos and praline.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility
Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is reflected in concrete initiatives for sustainable and socially responsible production.
By introducing a four-day working week for our production teams in 2021, we have significantly improved the well-being of our employees. The modification of our production line in June 2023 has also enabled us to eliminate physical tasks, with line operators benefiting from seats, so they can work seated or standing up. This modification also eliminated 55% from work equipment hazards. We have also reduced noise levels in our facilities, cutting them below 80db in the most sensitive areas.
We promote sustainable employment by offering permanent contracts to our temporary workers, and we are close to parity in our workforce: 47% women - 53% men.
Committed to our local fabric, we support various associations through donations, and actively participate in events that promote our region.
Our day-to-day commitment reinforces our identity as a family-run, caring company.
Environmental commitments
Our commitment to the environment is reflected in strong actions such as the recycling of 100% of our bio-waste via methanization, transforming waste into renewable energy. We reduce our ecological impact by using fully recyclable packaging, and have eliminated black PET in favor of crystal PET to remove carbon black from our packaging. Our range of long-life macaroons illustrates our fight against food waste, underlining our commitment to protecting the environment.
At Franck Deville, we take every commitment seriously, because every step we take is a step towards a more responsible future. We are committed to maintaining high standards to continue to earn the trust of our customers, while constantly improving our practices.
Join Franck Deville in his mission to make the world a better place, one macaron at a time.